The Cook's Tale
Folio 192r
1 of 1 folios
THe cook of lundene whil þe reue spak
For ioye hȳ thouȝte he clawede hȳ on þõ bak
Ha ha ha for cistys passyoū
This mallere hadde a scharp cōclusyou
Vp on his argumēt of herbergage
Wel seyde salamon / on his langage
Ne brȳge not euery with in to þȳ hous
For herberwȳge be nyȝte is perlyous
Wel auȝte a mā avysede for to be
Whō þt he brouȝte in to hese piuyte
I preye to god so ȝeue me sorwe & care
Syn euere I highte hoge of ware
Herde I euere a mellere betere I set a werke
He hadde a Iape of maleys in þe derke
But god for bede þt we stētȳ here
And þerfore ȝif ȝe wouche saf to here
A tale of me þt am a pore man
I wele ȝow telle as wel as euere I can
A lytyl Iape what fel in oure cete
Oure ost answerde & seyde I graūte it þe
Now telle on roger & loke þt it be good
For manye a paste hast þu letȳ blod
And manye a rakke of douere hast þu sold /
Here begȳnyst the kok of lūdene hi tale