Introduction to the Man of Law's Tale
Folio 194r
1 of 2 folios
And þerfore by þe schadewe he tok hese wit
That Phebus which þt schon so cler & bryȝt
Degreis fyue & forty I clōbe on hyȝt
And for þt day as in þt latytude
It was ten of þe clok he gā cōclude
And sodeynly he plyȝte hese hors a boute
lordȳgis quod he I warne ȝow al þis route
The fourte party of þis day is gon
Now for þe loue of god & seynt Ioħn
Leseth no tyme as fer forth as ȝe may
Lordȳgis it wastyth nyȝt & day
And stelyth frō vs what piuyly slepȳge
And what þerwith neclygence In oure wakȳge
As doth þe strē þt turnyth neuere a geyn
Dessendȳge frō þe monteyn In to pleyn
Wel can senykele & manye a phylisofere
Bewaylȳ tyme more þā gold in cofere
For los of catel may recouerede be
But los of tyme schendyth vs quod he
It wele not come a geyn wt outȳ drede
No more þā wele malkenys maydȳhede
Whā sche hath lost it in here wātoūnesse
Let vs not moulyn þus in ydylnesse
Syre man of lawe so haue ȝe blys
Telle vs a tale now as forward is
Ȝe ben submyttit þor ȝoure fre assent
To stōdȳ in þis cas at mȳ Iugement
A quytħt ȝow now of ȝoure be heste
Þāne haue ȝe don ȝoure deuyr at þe leste
Host quod he deperdeux I assente
To brekyn forward is not mȳ entente
Byheste is dette & I wele holde fayn
Al mȳbeheste I cā no betere seyn
For swich lawe as man ȝeuyth a noþer wyȝt
He schulde hȳ selue vse it be rigħt
Thus wele oure tyxt / but natheles serteyn