Introduction to the Man of Law's Tale
Folio 194v
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I can not now non thrifty tale seyn
That Chaucer thoughte he can but lewedely
On metris & on rymyng craftyly
As seyde hē in swich engelych as he can
Of olde tyme as knowyth manye a man
And ȝif he haue not seyde hē leue broþer
In on bok he hath seyd hē in a noþer
For he hath told of louerys vp & down
Mo þā ouyde made of mencyoū /
In hese episteƚƚ þt ben ful olde
What schulde I telle hē syn þt þey ben tolde
In ȝouthe he made of Ceys & alceoū
And syþe haþ he spoke of euerychon
These nobele wyuys & þese loueris ek
Who so þt wole hese large volū sek
Clepid þe seyntis legende of cupide
There may he se þe large woūdis wyde
Of lucresse & of babiloyn Tisbee
The swerd of dido for þe false Enee
The tre of Phiƚƚ for here demephoū
The pleynt of dyane & of hermyoū
Of adryane & of Isiphilee
The barayne yle standȳge in þe se
The dreynte leandere for hese erro
The terys of eleyne & ek þe wo
Of brixseyde & of þe ladomya
The cruelte of þe quene media
Thy lityl childerȳ hangȳge by þe hals
For thy Iason þt was in loue so fals
O ypermystre penolopee Alceste
Ȝoure wifhod he cōmendit with þe beste
But serteynly no word wrytyth he
Of thilk ensaūple of Canacee
That louede here owene broþer synfully
Of swiche cursede storyis I seye fy
Or ellis of Thiro appolonyus