The Reeve's Tale
Folio 186r
1 of 13 folios
For sekyrly whan I was boryn anon
Deth drow þõ tappe of lyf & let it gon
And euere sithe hath so þõ tappe Ironne
Til þt almost al emty is þõ tūne
The strē of lyf now droppith on þõ chymbe
The sely tunge may wel rynge & chymbe
Of wrechedenesse þt passede is ful ȝore
W olde folk saue dotage is no more
Whā þt þõ ost hadde herd this sarmoūnyng
He gan to spek as lordly as a kyng
He seyde what amoūtyth al þis wit
What schul we speke alday of holy writ
The deuyl made a reue for to preche
Or of a soutere schipman or a leche
Sey forth thyn tale & tarye not þõ tyme
Lo Depeforthe & it is half weye pryme
Lo Grenewych þere manye a schrewe is inne
It were hey tyme þyn tale to begȳne
Now serys quod this osewold the reue
I preye ȝow alle þt ȝe nat ȝow greue
Thow I answere & sūdel sette hese howe
For lefful it is þt forse / forse of schowe
This dronkene mellere hath I told vs here
How þt begiled was a carpentere
Parauenture in scorn for I am on
And by ȝore leue I schal ȝow quyte a non
Ryght in hese cherlis termys wele I speke
I preye to god his nelke mote breke
He can wel in myn eye sen a stalke
But in hese owene he can not sen a balke
Here begȳnyth the Reue his tale