The Multitext Edition > Cambridge University Library MS. Gg.4.2.7
Lenvoye de Chaucer
Folio 259r
1 of 2 folios
Grysilde is deed & ek hire pacience
And bothe at onoys buryed in Ytayle
For whiche in opene audience
No weddede man / so hardy be tassaylle
His wyuys pacience entrost to fynde
Grisildis for in certeyn he schal faylle
O noble wyuys ful of prudence
Let noon humilite ȝoure tunge nayille
Ne lat no klerk haue cause nor dilygēce
To wryte of ȝow a story of swych meruaile
As of Grisildis pacient & kynde
Lest Chicheuache / you swolwe in hire entrayle
Folwith Ecco / that holdyth no sylence
But euere answerith at the countretayle
Beth not bedaffyd for ȝoure Innocence
But scharpely takyth on ȝow the gouernaile
Enpryntith wel this lessoū in ȝoure mȳde
For comune profyt / sithe it may a wayle