The Multitext Edition > Cambridge University Library MS. Gg.4.2.7
The Parson's Tale
Folio 443v
68 of 74 folios
of Ihū Crist is more strong for to onbynde ; thaō syōne
is strong for to bynde .
¶ A geyns the secunde wā-
hope / he schal thynke that as ofte as he fallyth he may
arye a geyn / by penytence & thow he neuere so longe
haue leyn in sȳne / the mercy of Crist is eueremore re-
dy to resceyue hȳ to mercy
¶ A geyns the wanhope
that he demyth / that he schulde nat longe perseuere
in goodnesse / he schal thȳke that the febilnesse of the
deuyl may no thyng don but if men wele suffere hym
And ek he schal han strenthe of the helpe of ihū cist
& of al holy chyrche / & of the protexioū of angelis ȝif
hȳ leste //
Thāne schal man vndyrstonde what is the
\meryt/ of penaūce / & aftyr the word of ihū Cryst it
is the endeles blysse / of heuene /
theere Ioye hat nō
ende / no contrarite of woo / ne greuaūce / there alle
harmys been passid of this present lyf / theere as is
the sekyrnesse frō the peyne of helle / theere as is
the blysful cūpany that reioysȳ hē euere moo euere-
yche of otheris Ioye /
theere as the body of man
that whilom was foul & derk ; is moore cler thā is
the sūne / there as the body that whylom was sik
frel & febele & mortal ; is inmortal / & so strong & so
hol that theere may no man apeyre it /
there as
ne is neythyr hungir thrust ne cold but euery
soule replenyschid / wt the syghte of the parfite
knowynge of god
¶ This blysful regne / may mē
purchase by pouerte espirituel / & the glorye by
lounesse / the plente of Ioye wt hūgir & thurst
& the reste ; by trauayle / & the lyf be deth & morti-
ficacioū of synne / ~
Here takyt the makere of this bok his leue