take the pacience / the pacience / of oure lord Ihū cryst
as seyth seynt petyr / In hise epistelis
Ihū Crist he seith
hath sufferred for vs / & ȝeuyn ensāple to euery man
to folwe / & sewyn hȳ /
for he dede neuere synne ne
neuere cam there / A vileyns word out of his mouth
whan men cursede hȳ ; he cursede hē not /
Also the
greete pacience / whiche seyntis that been in para-
dys han had in tibulaciounys / that they been I suf-
ferid with outyn here desert or gilt //
oughte meche
stere ȝow to pacience /
Ferthere more / ȝe schul en-
forse ȝow to haue pacience /
considerynge that
the tribulacioūnys / of this world but lityl whi-
le endure / & soone passede been & goone /
And the
Ioye that a man sekyth for to han bi pacience in
trybulacioūnys / is pardurable / aftyr that thapost-
le seyth in his epistele
¶ The Ioye of God is pardu-
rable that is to seyne euere lastynge /
Also trowith
& bileuyth stedefastly / that he nys not weel I no-
ryschid / ne weel I tauȝt that can not haue pacien-
ce or wele not receyue pacyence /
For salomon
seyth that the doctryne / & the wit of a man is kno-
wyn by pacience /
And in a nothir place he seyth
that he that is pacient gouernyth hȳ by greet
prudence /
And the same Salomon seyth / That the
angry & the wratheful man ; makyth noysis / & the
pacient man attempereth hȳ & stillith /
he seyth also
it is moore worth to ben pacient ; than for to ben
ryȝt strong /
And he that may haue the lordschepe
of hese owene herte ; he is moore to preyse / than
he that by his force or strenthe ; takyth greete ceteis
And therefore seyth seynt Iame In his epistle / that
Pacience is a greet vertu of parfeccioū . ~
CErtis quod Melibee I graūte ȝow dame
Prudence / that Pacience is a greet vertu
of parfeccioū
But euery man may not hā
the parfeccioū that ȝe seekyn /
ne I am not of the
noūbre of ryȝt parfite men /
For myn herte may
neuere been in pees / vnto the tyme it be ven-
git /