The Prioress' Tale
Folio 322v
4 of 4 folios
Wherfore I synge & synge mot certeyn
In honour of that blysful maydyn fre
Tyl fro myn tunge I takyn is the greyn
And aftyr that thus seyde sche to me
Myn lytyl child now wele I feche the
Whan that the greyn is frō thȳ tunge take
Be nat a gast I wele the nat for sake
This holy monk this abbot hȳ mene I
His tunge out caughte & tok a wey the greyn
And he ȝaf vp the gost ful softely
And whan this abbot hadde this wondyr seyn
Hise salte teris trekelede doun as reyn
And grof he fel al flat vn to the groūde
And stille he lay / as he hadde leyn I boūde
The Conuent ek lay on the pauement
Wepynge & herȳge Cistis modyr deere
And aftyr that they ryse & forth been went
And toke awey this martir frō his beere
And in a toūbe of marbilstonys cleere
Enclosyn they this lytil body sweete
There he is now god leue vs for to meete
O yonge hugh of lyncol~~n slayn also
With cursede Iewis as it is notable
For it is but a lytil while I go
Preye ek for vs we synful folk vnstable
That of his mercy god so merciable
On vs his greete mercy multyplye
For reuerence of his modyr marye // Amen
Heere hath the Prioresse endid hire tale
Byhold the myrie talkynge of the Hoost to Chaucer