of which synne þe fame is openly spoken in þe contre ¶ And þenne ho-
ly chirche by Iuggemēt destreigneþ him for to do penaūce open .
penaūce is þat prestes enioygnen me cōmunly in certein caas as for
to gōn perauenture naked in pylgrimage or bare foot
¶ Priue penaunce
is þilke þat men don alday for priue synnes of whiche we schryuen
vs pryuyly and resceyuen priue penaūce
¶ Now schalt þou vnderstā-
de what byhoueþ and is necessarie to verray parfyte penaūce ¶ And þese
standen on þre þinges
¶ Conticioū of herte ¶ Confessioū of mouþe and
¶ For which saiþ Ioħn Gresostom ¶ Penitence destreigneþ
man to accepte benignely euery peyne þat is him is enioyned wiþ contricoū
of herte and schrift of mouþe wiþ satisfaccioū and in werching of aƚƚ
maner humilite
¶ And þis is fruytful penytence aȝein þre þinges in
whiche we wraþþen oure lord ihū cist
þis is to sayn by delyt in þenking
By rechelesnesse in speking ¶ By wicked synful worchng
¶ And aȝeins þi
se wikkede gultes is penitence þat may be likened vnto a tre
¶ The rote
of þis tre is contricioū þat huydeþ him in þe herte of him þat is verray
repentaūt Right as þe roote of a tree huydeþ him in þe erþe
¶ Of þe roo-
te of contricioū springeþ a stalke þat bereþ braunches and leues of cō-
fessioū and fruyt of satisfaccioū~
¶ For whiche crist saiþ in þe gospeƚƚ
Doþ digne fruyt of penitence ¶ For by þis fruyte may men knowe þis
tree and nouȝt by þe roote þat is hidde in þe herte of a man ne by þe
braunches ne by þe leeues of confessioū
¶ And þerfore oure lord ihū cist
saiþ þus ¶ By þe fruyt of hem schuln ȝe knowe hem
of þis roote sprin-
geþ a seed of grace þe which seed is mooder of sikernesse and þis seed
is egre and hoot
¶ Þe gace of þis seed springeþ of god þorugh þe remē-
braūce of þe day of doome and on þe peynes of helle
¶ Of þis matiere
saiþ Salamon ¶ Þat in þe drede of god man forleteþ his synne
¶ The
hete of þis seed is þe loue of god and þe desirynge of þe ioye pardurable
þis hete draweþ þe herte of man to god and doþ him hate his synne
¶ For soþly þer is no þing þat sauoureþ so wel a childe as þe mylk of
his norice ¶ Ne no þing is to him more abhominable þen þilke mylk
whan it is medled wiþ oþer mete
¶ Rigħt so synful man þat loueþ
his synne him semeþ þat it is to him most sweete / of any þing
¶ But
fro þat tyme þat he loueþ sadly oure lord ihū cist and desireþ þe lyff
pardurable þer nys to him more abhominable
¶ For soþe þe lawe of god
is þe loue of god ¶ For which . dd . þe prophete saiþ ¶ I haue loued þy lawe
and hated wikkednesse & haten he þat loueþ god kepeþ his lawe and
his word