The Squire's Tale
Folio 90v
19 of 19 folios
AT Sarray in þe land of Tartarye
Ther dwelt a king þat werreyed Russye
Thurgħ which þer deyed many a doughty man
This noble king was cleped kambynskan
Which in his tyme was of so gret renoū
That þer nas nowher in no regioū
So excellent a lord in alle þing
Him lacked nought þat longed to a kyng
As of þe secte of which þat he was born
He kepte his lay to which þat he was sworn
And þerto he was hardy wys and riche
And pitous and Iust alwey y liche
Soþ of his word benigne and honorable
Of his corage as eny centre stable
Yong freissh and strong in armes desirous
As eny bacheler of aƚƚ his hous
A fair persone he was and fortunat
And kepte alway so wel real astat
That þer nas no wher swich anoþer man
This noble king þis Tartre kambyuskan
Hadde tuo sones in Eltheta his wyf
Of which þe eldest higħte Algarsyf
That oþer was y cleped Camballo
A doughter hadde þis worþy king also
That yongest was and highte Canace
But for to telle you al hire beaute
It lyþ nougħt in my tonge ne in my konnyng
I dar not vndertake so heigh a þing
Myn englisscħ eek is insufficient
It moste ben a Rethor excellent
That couþe his colours longyng for þat art
If he schulde hir discryue in any part
I am non swich I moot speke as I can
And so bifeƚƚ that whan þis Cambynskan
Haþ twenty wynter born his Diademe
As he was wonte fro yeer to yeer I deeme