The Multitext Edition > Oxford, Corpus Christi College MS. 198
The Shipman's Tale
Folio 204r
13 of 13 folios
¶ Here bygynneþ þe schipmannes tale f . 204
A Marchaunt whilom dwelled at Seint Denys
That riche was for which men heelde him wys
A wyf he hadde of excellent beaute
And compynable and reuerent was sche
Which is a þing þat causeþ more dispence
Þen worþ is alle þe cheere and reuerence
That men haue doon at festes and at daunces
Suche salutaciouns and contynaūces
Passeþ as doþ þe schadewe on a wal
But woo is him þat paye moot for al
Þe sely housband algates he moste paye
He moot vs cloþe and vs arraye
Al for his owen worschipe richely
In which aray we daunce Iolyly