The Multitext Edition > Oxford, Corpus Christi College MS. 198
Introduction to the Pardoner's Tale
Folio 194v
2 of 2 folios
Owre oost gan for to swere as he were wood
Harrow qd he by nayles and by blood
This was a cursed þeef a fals Iustise
As schamful deþ as herte can deuyse
So falle vpon his body and his bones
Þe deuyl I bekenne him al at ones
Allas to deere boughte sche hire beaute
Wherfore I say þat aƚƚ men may se
That ȝiftes of fortune or of nature
Beþ cause of deþ of many a creature
Hire beaute was hire deþ I dar wel sayn
Allas so pitously as sche was slayn
But her of wil I not procede as now
Men haue ful often more harm þan prow