The Parson's Prologue
Folio 261r
2 of 2 folios
Here bygynneþ þe prologe of þe persoū
By þat þe maunciple hadde his tale ended
The sonne fro þe souþ syde \line/ is descended
So lowe þat he was nought to my sigħt
Degrees xxix as of highte /
Ten of þe clokke it was so as I gesse /
For xj foote a lytel more or lesse
My schadwe was at þilke tyme as þere /
Of suche feet as my lengþe parted were /
In six foote equal of proporcioū
Ther wiþ þe mones exaltacioū
I mene libra alwey gan ascende
As we were entryng at a thropes ende
For wiþ oure Oste as he was wont to gye
As in þis caas oure ioly companye /
Sayde in þis wise lordynges euerychon
Now lakkeþ vs no tale more þan oon
Fulfild is my sentence and my degre
Who wile now telle a tale let se
Almost fulfilled is mȳ ordynaunce
I pay to god so ȝiue him rigħt good chaūce
Þat telleþ þis tale to vs lustely
Sire prest quod he art þou a vicary
Or art þou a persoū say soþ by þy fey
Be what þou be ne breke nought oure pley
For euery man saue þou haþ told his tale /