The Clerk's Tale
Folio 129v
1 of 31 folios
And Iankyn haþ y wonne a newe goune
My tale is doon we ben almost at towne
¶ Here endeþ þe Somnors tale
¶ Here bygenneþ þe prologe of þe clerk of Oxēford
SIre clerk of Oxenford oure oste sayde
Ȝe ryde as stille and coy as doþ a mayde
Were newe spoused sittyng atte bord
This day ne herde I of ȝoure tonge a word
I trowe þat ȝe studye aboute som sophime
But Salamon saiþ euery þing haþ tyme
For goddes sake beþ of bettre cheere
It nys no tyme for to stodyen heere
Teƚƚ vs som mery tale by ȝoure fay
For what man þat is entred in to play
He needes mote vnto þe play assente
But perches nat as freres don in lente
To make vs for oure olde synnes wepe
Ne þat þy tale make vs not to sleepe
Telle vs som mery þing of auentures /
Ȝoure termes ȝoure coloures ȝoure figures
Keep hem in store til so be ȝe enditen
By stile as when þat men to kinges writen
Spekeþ so plein at þis tyme I ȝou pay
Þat we may vnderstonde what ȝe say
This worþi clerk benignely answerde
Ost quod he I am vnder ȝour ȝerde
Ȝe han of vs as now þe gouernance
And þerfore wol I do yow obeissance
As fer as resoū axeþ hardely
I wil ȝou telle a tale which þat I
Lernede at paradovse of a worþi clerk
As preued by his wordes and his werk
He is now deed and nayled in his cheste
I pray to god to ȝiue his soule reste
Faunces Petrake þe laureat poete
Highte þis clerk whos retoriqz sweete