The Physician's Tale
Folio 138v
1 of 7 folios
Thow art a Squyer / and he is a knygħt
But f f god forbede / for his blisful mygħt
But if a Clerk / coude doon a gentil dede
As wel as any of ȝow / it is no drede
¶ Sire I relesse the / thy thousand pound
As thow rigħt now / were cropen out of the ground
Ne neuere er now / ne haddest knowen me
For Sire / I wol nat take / a peny of the
For al my craft / ne nougħt for my trauaille
Thow hast I paid wel / for my vitaille
It is I now / and farewel haue good day
And toke his hors / & fortħ he gotħ his wey
Lordynges this questioū / than wil I axe now
Whicħ was the moost free / as thynketħ ȝow
Now telletħ me / or that ȝe ferthere wende
I can namore / my tale is at an ende ¶ Amen
Here endetħ the Frankeleyns tale ;
& bigynnetħ the
Phisiciens tale / witħ oute a Prologe ;
There was as telletħ / Titus Liuius
A knygħt / that called was Virginius
Fulfild of honor / and of worthynesse
And strong of frendes / and of gret richesse
This knygħt a dougħter hadde / by his wyf
No children hadde he moo / in al his lyf
Fair was this mayde / in excellent beautee
A bouen euery wygħt / that man may se
For nature hatħ / witħ souereyne diligence
I formed hire / in so gret excellence
As thougħ she wolde seyn / lo I nature
Thus kan I forme / and peynte a creature
Whan that me list / who kan me countrefete
Pigmalion nougħt / thougħ he ay forge and bete
Or graue / or peynte / for I dar wel seyn
Appelles zanzis / shulde werche in veyn
Outher to graue / or peynte / or forge / or bete
If they persumeden / me to countrefete
For he that is / the fourmere principal
Hatħ maked me / his vicaire general
To forme / and peynten / erthely creaturis
Rigħt as me list / and ecħ thyng in my cure ix
Vnder the Moone / that may wane and waxe