The Cook's Tale
Folio 53r
1 of 2 folios
Of many a pilgrym / hast thow cristes curs
For of thy perselee / ȝet they fare the wers
That they han eten / in thy stobel goos
For in thy shoppe / is many a flye loos
Now telle on gentil Roger / be thy name
But ȝet I preye the / be nat wrotħ for game
A man may sey ful sotħ / in game and pleye
¶ Thow seist ful sotħ / qd Roger / be my feye
But swhicħ pley / quade pley / as the Flemyng seitħ
And þerfore herry Bailly / be thy feitħ
Be thow nat wrotħ / er we departe heere
Thougħ that my tale / be of an hostelere
But natheles / I wol nat telle it ȝet
But er we departepartedeperte / I wysse þu shalt be quyt
And ther with alle / he lougħ & made chere
And seide his tale / as ȝe shuln after here
A Prentys whilom / dwelled in oure Citee
Of a craft / of vetayleres was he
And Gaillard was he / as a Goldffyncħ in þe shawe
Broun as a Bery / a propre short felawe
W lokkes blake / kembed ful fetisly
Daunce he koude / so wel and iolyly
That he was cleped / Perkyn reuelour
He was as ful of loue / and paramour
As is the hyue / ful of hony swete
Wel was the wenche / wt hī mygħt mete
At euery brydale / wold he synge and hoppe
He loued bet the tauerne / þan the shoppe
For whan there ony ridyng was in Chepe
Out of the shoppe / thider wold he lepe
Til þat he had / al the sigħt I seyn
And daunced wele / he nolde nat come ageyn
And gadred hī a meyne / of his sort
To hoppe & synge / and make swicħ disport
And there they setten steuene / for to mete
To pleye at the Dys / in swicħ a strete
For in the Toun / nas there no Prentys
That fairere coude kast / a peyre of Dys
Than Perkyn coude / and ther to he was free
Of his dispence / in place of preuyte
That fond his Maister wel / in his chaffare