The Nun's Priest's Tale
Folio 189v
1 of 12 folios
What eyletħ yow to grone in this manere
Ȝe ben a verrey slepere / fy for shame
And he answerde / and seide thus Madame
I preye yow / that ȝe take it nat a grief
By god me mette / I was in swicħ meschief
Rigħt now / þt ȝet myn herte is sore a frigħt
Now god qd he / my sweuene recche a rigħt
And kepe my body / out of foule prisoun
¶ Me mette how that I romed / vp and doun
W Inne oure ȝerd / where as I saugħ a beest
Was lyke an hound & wolde han mad a reest
Vp on my body and an had me deed
His colour was bitwexe / ȝelew and reed
And tipped was his tail / & bothe hise Erys
Witħ blak / vnlike the remenaūt of hise heris
His snoute was smal / wt glowyng eyen tweye
Ȝet for his look / for fere al moost I deye
This caused me / my gronyng doutelees
¶ A voy qd she / fy oon ȝow hertelees
Allas quod she / for by þt god a boue
Now han ȝe loost myn herte / & al my loue
I can nougħt loue a Coward / by my feitħ
For certes / what so any wōman seitħ
We alle desyren / if it mygħt be
To han an housbonde / hardy wys & free
And secree/ & no nygard / ne no fool
Ne hī þt is a gast / of euery tool
Ne noon auentour / by þat god a boue
How dursten ȝe for shame / seye to ȝoure loue
That any thyng / mygħt make ȝow a ferd
Han ȝe no mānes herte / and han a berd
Allas / and konne ȝe ben a gast of sweuenys
No thyng god wot / but vanytee in sweuene is
Sweuenes ben engendred / of replexiouns
And ofte of fume / and of complexiouns
Whan humours ben to habundaūt / in a wygħt
Certes this drem / whicħ ȝe han met to nygħt
Cometħ of the gret / superfluytee
Of ȝoure rede Colera / parde
Whicħ causetħ folk / to dredyn in here dreemes
Of arwes and of fyr / witħ rede lemes
Of rede beestes / that they wol hem byte
Of contekes and of waspes / grete and lyte
Rigħt as the humour / of malencolie
Causetħ many a man / in sleepe to crie
For fere of Blake Beres / or Booles blake
Or elles blake deueles / þt wole hem take
Of othere humours / coude I telle also
That werken many a man / in sleepe ful woo
But I wol passe / as ligħtly as I can
Lo Catoū whicħ / þt was so wys a man
Seide he nat thus / ne do no fors of dremes
Now sire qd she / whan we flee fro theise bemes
For goddes loue / as take som laxatyf
Vp peril of my soule / and of my lyf
I counseil yow the beste / I wol nat lye
That bothe of colour / and of malencolie
Ȝe purge ȝow and for ȝe shuln nat tarie
Thougħ in this toun / is noon Appotocarie
I shal my self / to herbes techen ȝow
That shal be for ȝoure ese / & for ȝoure prow
And in oure ȝerd / the Erbes shal I fynde
The whicħ han / of here proprete / by kynde
To purgen ȝow bynethe / and eke a boue
Sire forȝete nat this / for goddes loue
Ȝe ben ful colerik / of complexioun
War that the sonne / in his assencioun
Ne fynde ȝow nat replet / of humours hote
And if it do / I dar wel leye a grote
That ȝe shuln han / a feuere terciane
Or an agu / whicħ þt may be ȝoure bane
A day or two / ȝe shuln han degestyues
Of wormes / or ȝe take ȝoure laxatyues
Of lauriol / centaure / and fumetere
Or elles of ellebor / that growetħ there
Of Catapuce / or of gait Rys beries
Of herbe yue / growyng in oure ȝerd þere merie is
Pikke hē rigħt as they growe / and ete hem In
Betħ merie housbonde for ȝoure fader kyn
Dredetħ no dreem / I can sey ȝow no more
¶ Madame qd he / gaund mercy of ȝoure lore
But nathelees / as touchyng daun Catoun
That hatħ of wysdom / swicħ a gret renoun
Thougħ þt he bad / no dremes for to drede
By god men moun / in olde bookes rede
Of many a man / more of auctoritee