Epilogue to the Nun's Priest's Tale
Folio 195r
1 of 2 folios
The fox answered / in feitħ it shal be doon
And as he spak þt word / al sodeynly
The Cok brak from his moutħ / delyuerly
And hye vp on a tree / he flaw a noon
And whan the fox saw / þt the Cok was gon
Allas qd he / o chaunteclere allas
I haue to ȝow qd he / I don trespas
In as meche / as I maked ȝow afferd
Whan I ȝow hente / & brougħt in to this ȝerd
But sithe I dede it / in no wykke entente
Come doun / & I shal telle ȝow what I mente
I shal sey sotħ to ȝow / god helpe me so
Nay / thāne qd he / I shrewe vs bothe two
And first I shrewe my self / bothe blode & bones
If þu begile me / oftere than ones
Thow shalt nomore / thurgħ thy flaterie
Do me to synge / & wynke wt myn eye
For he þt wynketħ / whan he shulde see
Al wilfully / god lat ħī neuere thee
Nay qd the fox / but god ȝeue ħī meschaunce
That is so vndiscret / of gouernaunce
That iangletħ / whan he shulde holde his pees
Lo whicħ it is / for to be rechelees
And necligent / and troste on flaterie
But ȝe þt holden this tale / of folie
As of a fox / or of a Cok / or hen
Taketħ the moralitee / goode men
For Seynt Poule seitħ / þt al þat wryten is
To oure doctine / it is I wryte I wys
Taketħ the fruyt / & lat the chaf be stille
Now goode god / if þt it be thy wylle
As seitħ my lord / so make vs alle goode men
An brynge vs to his blisse/
Sire Nonnes Preest / oure hoost seide a noon
I blissed be thy brethe / & euery ston
This was a murie tale / of Chauntecleer
But by my trouthe / if þu were seculer
Thow woldest ben a tredfoul / a rigħt
For if þu haue corage / as þu hast mygħt
The were nede of hennes / as I wene
Ȝa / moo than seuene tymes / seuentene