The Monk's Prologue
Folio 177r
1 of 4 folios
Heere is ended Chaucers tale of Melibe ;
And I preye ȝow / þt ȝe wol for bere now / to do venge-
in swicħ manere / þt ȝoure good name / may be kept and
concerued /
And þt men moun haue cause & matere / to preise
ȝow of pitee & of mercy /
and that ȝe haue no cause / to repente
ȝow of thyng þt ȝe doon
¶ For Senek seitħ ; he ouercometħ
in al yuel manere / þt repentetħ hī nougħt of his victorie /
Wherfore I preye ȝow / lat mercy be in ȝoure herte /
to the effect
& entente / that god al mygħty haue mercy on ȝow / in his laste
Iuggement /
witħ oute mercy shal be do to hī / þt hatħ no mercy
of a nother wygħt
¶ Whan Melibe had herd / the grete skyles
& resons of Dame Pudence / & hire wyse informacōns and
techynges /
his herte gan enclyne to the wyl of his wyf /
cōsiderynge hire trewe entente /
enforced hī a noon & assented
fully to werken after hire coūseil /
& thanked god / of whom
procedetħ al vertu / & al goodnesse / þt hī sente a wyf / of so ~
gret discrecōn
¶ And whan the day cam / þt hise aduersaries
shulde appere in his persence /
he spak vn to hē ful goodly /
& seide in this wyse
¶ Al be it so / þt of ȝoure pride and hey
persumpcōn and folye / & of ȝoure neclygence / & vnkunnynge
ȝe haue mys born ȝow / & trespaced vn to me /
ȝet for as mu-
chel / as I se & byholde ȝoure grete humylitee /
& that ȝe ben
sory & repentaūt of ȝoure giltes /
it constreynetħ me / to do
ȝow grace & mercy /
wherfore I receyue ȝow in to my grace /
& forȝeue ȝow outrely / alle the offences Iniuries and wronges
þt ȝe haue doon a geyn me & myne /
to this effect & to this
ende / þt god of hise endeles mercy /
wole at the tyme of oure
deyynge / for ȝeue vs oure giltes / þt we han trespaced to hī
in this wrecched world /
for doutelees / if we be sory and re-
pentaūt / of the sȳnes & giltes whicħ we han trespasced
inne / in the sigħte of oure lord god /
he is so free & so mercya-
ble /
þ he wole for ȝeuen vs oure giltes /
and bryngen vs
to the blisse / that neuere hatħ ende ; Amen
& bygȳnetħ the
Prologe of the Monkes tale ;
Whan ended was my tale / of Melibe
And of Prudence / & hire benygnetee
Oure host seide / as I am a feitħful man
And by þt precious corpus / Madrian
I had leuere / than a barel ale
That goodleef my wyf / had herd this tale