The Nun's Priest's Prologue
Folio 187v
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Here bigynneth the prologe of the Nonnes prest /
Hoo qd the knygħt / good sire nomore of this
That ȝe han seid / is rigħt I now I wys
And mochel more / for litel heuynesse
Is rigħt I now / for mechil folk I gesse
I seye for me / it is a gret dissese
Where as men han ben / in gret welthe & ese
To heren of here sodeyn fal allas
And the contarie is ioye / & gret solas
As whan a man hatħ ben / in poure estat
And clymbetħ vp / and wexetħ fortunat
And there abydetħ / in prosperitee
Swicħ thyng is gladsom / as it thynketħ me
And of swicħ thyng / were goodly for to telle
Ȝa qd oure hoost / by Seynt Poules belle
Ȝe seye rigħt sotħ / this monke he clappetħ loude
He spak how fortune / couered was wt a cloude
I not neuere what / and als of a tragedie
Rigħt now ȝe herde / and parde no remedie
Is it / for to be wayllen / ne compleyne
id þatq
dqd is don
/ and als it is a peyne
As ȝe han seide / to heere of heuynesse
Sire Monke no more of this / so god yow blisse
Ȝoure tale anoyetħ / al this compaignye
Swicħ thyng is nat wortħ / a boterflye
For þere Inne is ther no / disporte ne game
Wherfore sire Monke / o daun Piers by thy name
I preye yow hertily / telle vs som what elles
For sikerly / nere clynkyng of ȝoure belles
That oon ȝoure bridel hange / oon euery syde
By heuene kyng / þt for vs alle dyde
I shulde er this / haue fallen doun for slepe
Al thougħ the slougħ / had neuere ben so depe
Thāne had ȝoure tale / al ben tolde in veyn
For certeynly / as þt theise Clerkes seyn
Where as a man / may haue noon audience
Nat helpetħ it / to tellen his sentence
And wel I woot / the substaūce is in me
If any thyng / shal wel reported be
Sire seye somwhat / of huntyng I ȝow preye
¶ Nay qd this Monke / I haue no lust to pleye
Now lat another telle / as I haue tolde
Thāne spak oure hoost / wt rude speche & bolde
And seide / vn to the Nōnes preest a noon