The Reeve's Tale
Folio 51v
9 of 10 folios
And groped here and there / and she fond non
Allas qd she / I had almost mysgoū
I had almost gon / to the Clerkes bedde
Ey bñdicite / than had I foule spedde
And fortħ she goth / til she the cradil fonde
She gropeth alwey / ferthere with hire honde
And fond the bed / and þouȝt nat but good
By cause that the cradil / by it stod
And nyst where she was / for it was derke
And faire & wele / she crepte in by the clerke
And lith ful stille / and wold han caugħt a slepe
W Inne a while / this Ioħn the Clerk vp lepe
And on this goode wyf / he leyd on sore
So mery a fit / ne had she nat ful ȝore
He pryketh hard / and depe / as he were mad
This ioly lyf / han theise two Clerkes lad
Til þat the .iij. Cok / bygan to syng
¶ Aleyn wex wery / in the morwenyng
For he had swonken / al the long nygħt
And seide / fare wel Malkyn / swete wygħt
The day is come / I may no lengere byde
But euere more / where so I go or ryde
I is thyn owen Clerk / so haue I seele
¶ Now dere lēman qd she / go fare wele
But er thow go / o thyng I wyl the telle
Whan that þu wendest homward / by the Mille
Rigħt at the entre / of the dore behynde
Thow shalt a cake / of a busshel fynde
That was I maked / of thyn owen Mele
Whicħ þat I halpe / my sire for to stele
And good lemman / god the saue & kepe
And with that word / almost he gan to wepe
¶ Aleyn vp ryst / and thougħt er þt it dawe
I wyl go crepe in / be my felawe
And fond the cradil / at his hand a non
By god qd he / al wrang I had mysgon
Myn hed is toty / of my swynk to nygħt
That makes me / that I go nat Corrected from: <nothing> aa rigħt
I wat wel by the Cradel / I haue mysgaa
He lyes the Millere / and his wyf alswa
¶ And forth he gotħ / a twenty deuele way
Vn to the bedde / þere as the Millere lay
He wend han cropen / by his felawe Ioħn
And by the Millere / In he crepe a non
And caugħt hī by þe nekke / and softe he spake