The Summoner's Tale
Folio 86r
1 of 13 folios
His spirit / god restored / of his grace
Vn to his body a ȝein / and he a woke
But natheles / for feer / ȝet he quoke
So was the deueles ars / ay in his mynde
That is hise Eritage / of verrey kynde
God saue ȝow alle / saue this cursed Frere
My prolog wol I ende / in this manere
Lordynggis there is / in ȝorkshire as I gesse
A mersshy contre / called holdernesse
In whicħ there wente / a lymytour a boute
To perche and eke to begge / it is no doute
And so byfel / that on a day this frere
Had preched at a chirche / in his manere
And specially / a bouen euery thynge
Excited he the peeple / in his prechynge
To trentales / and to ȝeuen for goddis sake
Where witħ men mygħt / holy houses make
There as diuine seruyse / is honoured
Nat there as it is wasted / and deuoured
Ne there it nedetħ nat / Corrected from: <nothing> forfor to be ȝeue
As to possessioneres / that moun lyue
Thanked be god / in wele and habundaunce
Trentals qd he / delyueren fro penaunce
Here frendes soules / as wel old as ȝonge
Ȝa / whan that they ben / hastily I songe
Nat for toholden a prest / Ioly and gay
He syngetħ nat / but oo masse on a day
Delyueretħ out a non qd he / the soules
Ful hard it is / wt flesshoke / or with owles
To ben I clawed / or to brenne or bake
Now spede ȝow hastily / for cristes sake
And whan this frere / had seid al his entente
Witħ Qui cum patre / fortħ his weye he wente
¶ Whañe folk in chirche / had ȝeuen hī what hem list
He went his wey / no lengere wold he rest
Witħ skrippe and tipped staf / I tukked heye
In euery hous / he gan to poore and prye
And begged mele and chese / or ellis corñ
His felawe had a staf / typped witħ horñ
A peyre of tables / al of yuory
And a poyntel / polysshed fetisly
And wrot the names alwey / as he stode
Of alle folk / that ȝaf hem any good
A scaunce that he / wold / for hem preye
Ȝeue vs a busshel whete / malt or reye