The Man of Law's Tale
Folio 55r
1 of 21 folios
And therfore he / of ful auysement
Nolde neuere wryte / in none of hise sermouns
Of swicħ vnkynde / abhominacions
Ne I wyl noon reherce / if þat I may
But of my tale / how shal I don this day
Me were lotħ / be likned doutelees
To muses / that men clepe pierides
Methamorphosios / woot what I mene
But natheles / I recche not a bene
Thougħ I come after hī / witħ hawe bake
I speke in prose / and lat hī rymes make
And with that word / he with a sober chere
Bygan his tale / as ȝe shuln after here
¶ Hic finitr prologus legis periti / & incipit fabula euisdem ;
Ohateful harme / condicione of pouerte
With thrust wt cold / with honger so confounded
To asken helpe / the shametħ in thyn herte
If thow noon aske / so sore art þow I wounded
That verray nede / vnwrappeth alle thy wounde hid
Maugre thyn heede / thow must for indigence
Or stele or begge / or borwe thyn dispence
¶ Thow blamest crist / and seist ful bitterly
He mysdepartetħ / ricchesse temporal
Thy neyghebore / thow wytest synfully
And seist þu hast to lite / and he hatħ al
Parfey seist þu / sumtyme he rekne shal
Whan þt his taylle / shal brennen in the glede
For he nougħt helpetħ / nedeful in here nede
¶ Herkeneth what is the sentence / of the wyse
Bette is to deyen / than haue indigence
Thy selue neyghebore / wyl the despise
If thow be pore / fare wel thy reuerence
Ȝet if the wyse man / take this sentence
Alle the dayes of poore men / ben wykke
Be war þerfore / er þu come to þt prikke
¶ If þu be pore / thy brother hatetħ the
And alle thyne frendes / flen from the / allas
O riche marchauntez / ful of wele ben ȝe
O noble o prudent folk / as in this cas
Ȝoure bagges be nouȝt filled / wt aumbes as
But with sys synk / þt rennetħ for ȝoure chaunce