The Reeve's Tale
Folio 52r
10 of 10 folios
He seide thow Ioħn / þow swyneshede a wake
For cristes soule / and here a noble game
For by that lord / that called is Seynt Iame
As I haue thries / in this short nygħt
Swyued the Milleres dougħter / bolt vp rigħt
While thow hast / as a coward / ben a gast
¶ Ȝe fals harlot / qd the Millere hast
A fals taytour / fals Clerk qd he
Thow shalt be ded / by goddis dignyte
Who durst be so bold / to disparage
My dougħter þt is come / of swicħ lynage
And by the throte bolle / he caugħt Aleyn
And he hent hī / dispetously a geyn
And on the nose / he smot hī with his fist
Doun ran the blody strem / vp on his brest
And in the flore / wt nose & moutħ to broke
They walwen / as don / tweyne pygges in a poke
And vp they gon / and doun a geyn a non
Til þt the Millere / spurned at a ston
And doun he fel bakward / vp on his wyf
That wyst no thyng / of this nyce stryf
For she was falle a slepe / a litel wygħt
W Ioħn the Clerk / that waked had al nygħt
And with the fal / out of hire slepe she breyde
Help holy croys of Bromholme / she seide
In manus tuas / lord to the I calle
A wake Symkyn / the fend is on me falle
Myn hert is broken / help I nam but dede
There lith vp on my wombe / & on myn hede
Help Symkyn / for the fals Clerkes figħt
¶ This Ioħn stirt vp / als fast as euere he mygħt
And gropeth by the walles / to and fro
To fynde a staf / and she stert vp also
And knew the estres / bet þāne dide this Ioħn
And by the wal / a staf she fond a non
And saw a litel slemeryng / of a ligħt
For at an hole / in shon the Mone brigħt
And by þat ligħt / she saw hē bothe two
But sekerly she nyst / who was who
But as she saw / a whit þing in hire eye
And whan she gan / this white þing aspie
She wende the Clerk / had wered a volupere
And with the staf / she drow ay nere & nere
And wend han hit / this Aleyn at the fulle
And smot the Millere / on the pyled skulle