The Wife of Bath's Tale
Folio 81r
2 of 10 folios
Cast vp the curtyn / loke how that it is
And whan þt the knygħt / saw verreyly al this
That she so fair was / & so ȝong ther to
For ioye he hent hire / in hise armes two
His hert bathed / in a batħ of blisse
A thousand tymes a rowe / he gan hire kysse
And she obeyed hī / in euery thyng
That mygħt don hī plesaunce / or likyng
And thus they leue / vn to here lyues ende
In parfyt ioye / and iħu crist vs sende
Husbondes meke / ȝonge and fressħ a bedde
And grace to ouer byde hem / that we wedde
And eke I preye iħu / shorte here lyues
That nougħt wyl be gouerned / by here wyues
And olde and angry / nygardes of despence
God sende hem sone / verray pestilence
Hic desinit fabula vxeris de Bathe