The Physician's Tale
Folio 139r
2 of 7 folios
And for my werk / rigħt no thyng wol I axe
My lord and I / ben ful of oon accord
I made hire / to the worshipe of my lord
So do I / alle myne othere / creatures
What colour that they han / or what figures
Thus semetħ me / that nature wolde seye
This mayde of age / twelue ȝer was and tweye
In whicħ that nature / hadde swicħ delit
For rigħt as she kan peynte / a lilye whit
And reed as Rose / rigħt witħ swicħ peynture
She peynted hatħ / this noble creature
Er she were borñ / vp oon hire lymes free
Where as by rigħt / swicħ coloures shulde bee
And Phebus dyed hatħ / hire tresses grete
Lyke to the stremes / of his burned hete
And if that excellent / was hir beaute
A thousand fold / moore vertuous was she
In hire ne lakked / no condiciou
That is to preyse / as by discreciou
As wel in goost as body / chaast was she
For whicħ she floured / in virginite
Witħ alle humylite / and abstinence
Witħ alle attemperance / and pacience
Witħ mesure eke / of berynge and array
Discret she was / in answerynge alwey
Thougħ she were wys Pallas / dar I seyn
Hire facounde eke / ful wōmanly and pleyn
Noo countrefeted termes / had she
To Corrected from: msemeseme&i;&i;ewys / but aftir hire degree
She spak / and alle hire wordes more & lesse
Sovnyng in vertu / and in gentillesse
Shamefast she was / in maydens shamefastnesse
Constant in herte / and euere in bisinesse
To dryue hir out / of ydel slogardye
Bacus had of hir moutħ / rigħt no maistrie
For wyn and ȝouthe / dootħ Venus encrees
As men in fyr / wol casten oille / or grees
And of hire owene vertu / vnconstreyned
She hatħ ful ofte tyme Syke / hir feyned
For that she wolde fleen / the compaignye
Where likly was / to treten of folye
As is at festes / reuels / and at daunces
That ben occasiouns / of daliaunces
Swicħ thyng / maken children for to be
To sone rype / and bold as men moun se