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1. The General Prologue
2. The Knight's Tale
3. The Miller's Prologue
4. The Miller's Tale
5. The Reeve's Prologue
6. The Reeve's Tale
7. The Cook's Prologue
8. The Cook's Tale
9. Introduction to the Man of Law's Tale
10. The Man of Law's Tale
11. The Wife of Bath's Prologue
12. The Wife of Bath's Tale
13. The Friar's Prologue
14. The Friar's Tale
15. The Summoner's Prologue
16. The Summoner's Tale
17. The Clerk's Tale
18. Lenvoye de Chaucer
19. Words of the Host
20. The Merchant's Prologue
21. The Merchant's Tale
22. Epilogue to the Merchant's Tale
23. The Squire's Tale
24. The Franklin's Tale
25. The Physician's Tale
26. Introduction to the Pardoner's Tale
27. The Pardoner's Prologue & Tale
28. The Shipman's Tale
29. The Prioress' Tale
30. The Tale of Sir Thopas
31. Here the Host 'stynteth' Chaucer's Tale of Sir Thopas
32. The Tale of Melibeus
33. The Monk's Prologue
34. The Monk's Tale
35. The Nun's Priest's Prologue
36. The Nun's Priest's Tale
37. Epilogue to the Nun's Priest's Tale
38. The Second Nun's Tale
39. The Canon's Yeoman's Prologue
40. The Canon's Yeoman's Tale
The Miller's Tale Folio 44v 2 of 15 folios
But of o th yng / I warne th e ful rigħ t
Be we a vysed / on that ilke nyght
That we ben entred / in to shippes bord
That non of vs / speke nat a word
Ne clepe ne crie / but ben in his prayere
For it is / goddis / owen heste dere
Thy wyf and thow / mot hange fer a twynne
For that betwixe ȝow / shal be no synne
No more in lokyng / than there shal in dede
This ordynance is seid / so god the spede
To morwe at nygħ t / whan men ben alle a slepe
In to oure knedyng tubbes / wol we crepe
And sitten there / a bidyng goddis grace
Go now thy wey / I haue no lengere space
To maken of this / no lengere sermonynge
Men seyn thus / sende the wyse / & sey no thynge ¶ Mitte Sapientem & cetera
Thow art so wys / it nedeth the nougħ t to teche
Go saue oure lyf / and that I the byseche
Ful ofte he seide / allas and wellawey
And to his wyf / he told his preuyte
And she was war / and knewe it bet than he
What al þ is queynt cas / was for to sey
But natheles / she ferd as she wold dey
And seide allas / go fortħ thy weye a non
Help vs to skape / or we ben dede ichon
I am thy trewe / verray wedded wyf
Go dere spouse / and help to saue oure lyf
Lo whiche a gret thyng / is affeccioū ¶ Auctor
Men moun deyen / of ymaginacioū
So depe / may imper ssiou be take
This sely Carpenter / begynneth quake
Hym thynketh verraylicħ / that he may se
Noes flode / come walwyng as the see
To drenchen Alisoū / his hony dere
He wepeth wailleth / and maketh sory chere
He sigħ etħ / with ful many a sory swougħ
And goth & getith hī / a knedyng trow
And after a tubbe / and a kemelyn
And preuyly he sent hē / to his In
And heng hem in the roof / in preuytee
His owen hand / he made laddres thre
To clymben by the roumes / and the stalkes
Vn to the Tubbes / hanggyng in the balkes
And hem vetailled / bothe kemelyn trow and Tubbe