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1. The General Prologue
2. The Knight's Tale
3. The Miller's Prologue
4. The Miller's Tale
5. The Reeve's Prologue
6. The Reeve's Tale
7. The Cook's Prologue
8. The Cook's Tale
9. Introduction to the Man of Law's Tale
10. The Man of Law's Tale
11. The Wife of Bath's Prologue
12. The Wife of Bath's Tale
13. The Friar's Prologue
14. The Friar's Tale
15. The Summoner's Prologue
16. The Summoner's Tale
17. The Clerk's Tale
18. Lenvoye de Chaucer
19. Words of the Host
20. The Merchant's Prologue
21. The Merchant's Tale
22. Epilogue to the Merchant's Tale
23. The Squire's Tale
24. The Franklin's Tale
25. The Physician's Tale
26. Introduction to the Pardoner's Tale
27. The Pardoner's Prologue & Tale
28. The Shipman's Tale
29. The Prioress' Tale
30. The Tale of Sir Thopas
31. Here the Host 'stynteth' Chaucer's Tale of Sir Thopas
32. The Tale of Melibeus
33. The Monk's Prologue
34. The Monk's Tale
35. The Nun's Priest's Prologue
36. The Nun's Priest's Tale
37. Epilogue to the Nun's Priest's Tale
38. The Second Nun's Tale
39. The Canon's Yeoman's Prologue
40. The Canon's Yeoman's Tale
Words of the Host Folio 105v 1 of 1 folios
To wryte of ȝow / a storie of swicħ meruaille
As of Grisilde / pacient and kynde
Off-set of a paraph mark in red in the gutter.ODR
Lest Chechiuache / ȝow swelwe / in hire entraille
But euer e answeretħ / at the counter taille
Betħ nat be daffed / for ȝoure Innocence
But sharply taketħ on ȝow / the gouer naille
Emprentetħ wel / this lesson / in ȝoure mynde
For comune profyt / sithe it may a vaille
Syn ȝe ben stronge / as is a gret Camaille
Ne suffretħ nat / that men ȝow do Corrected from: oxx enceoffenceoence
Betħ egre / as a Tigre is be ȝonde in Inde
Ay clappetħ as a Mille / I ȝow counsaille
For thougħ thyn husbonde / armed be in maille
The arwes of thyn crabbed / eloquence
Shal perse his brest / and eke his auentaille
In ielousye / I rede eke thow hi bynde
And þ u shalt make hī couche / as dotħ a quaille
Shewe thow thy vysage / and thyn apparaille
If thow be foule / be free of thyn dispence
Be ay of chere as ligħ t / as lef on lynde
Pricking next to the line.ODR
Oure host seyde / and swor by goddes bones
Me were leuere / than a Barel of ale
My wyf at hom / had herd this legend ones
This is a gentil tale / for the nones
But thyng that wol nat be / lat it be stille
The incipit was written at the end of the folio ca. three lines before the ruling line at the bottom of the frame. Note also that of the Marchau~t is in English whereas explicit and incipit is in Latin. The 'Envoy' is accomodated in a blank space, defined by two prickings. One the end of L13 and onother one at the end of L14, both located in the left margin.ODR