The General Prologue
Folio 6v
2 of 9 folios
Twenty bokes clad
/ in blak and in rede
A nota on the left margin, it looks like the same ink as the text.ODR
Of Aristotle / and his philosophie
Than riche robes / or fethil or sautrie
But al be it though / he were a Philosophre
Ȝet had he but litel / gold in his coffre
But al þat he / from his frendis hent
On bokes and on lernyng / he it spent
And bisily gan
/ for the Soules pray
Soules : The s is a long s; the stem is made by a forking assender from the feet to the head into two strokes. Probably indication of capital letter as all the capital in this hand have otious strokes in loops ODR
Of hem / þt ȝaf hī / wherwith to scoley
Of stody tok he / most cure and hede
Nouȝt a word spak he / more than was nede
And þt was seide / in forme and reuerence
And short and quyk / & ful of heigh sentence
Sownyng in moral vertue / was his speche
And gladly wold he lerne / and gladly teche
A Sergea
ūt of lawe
/ there was
/ war
& wys
¶ A Sergeant of Lawe
That ful often had ben / at Parvys
That was ful riche / of excellence
Discrete he was / and of gret reuerence
He semed swicħ / his wordes were so wyse
Iustice had he be / ful often in assise
Bothe by patent / and pleyn comissioū
For his science / and his heigh renoū
Of fees and robes / had he many on
So grete a purchasor / was nowher non
Al was fee simple / to hī in effect
His prchasyng / myght nat ben / in suspect
Nowher so besy aman . as he there nas
And ȝet he semed / besiere than he was
In termes had he cas / and domes alle
That fro þe tyme / of kyng wiƚƚ / weren falle
Ther to he coude endyte / and make a thyng
There coude noman pynche / at his writyng
And euery statut coude he / pleynly by rote
He rod but homely
/ in a Medlee Cote
Medlee : The M is traced as a cursive m with the minims attached not traced separately, this seems to be a scribal preference for writing capital letters.ODR
Girt wt a seynt of silk / wt barres smale
Of his array / telle I / no lengere tale
A Frankeleyn
þere was
/ in this compaignye
¶ A Frankeleyn;
Whyt was his berd / as is the daysye
Of his complexion / he was sangweyn
Wel loued he by the morwe / a soppe in wyn
To lyue in delyt / was euere his wōne