The Clerk's Tale
Folio 105r
27 of 27 folios
¶ This storie is seid / nat for that wyues shulde
Folwe Grisilde / as in humilitee
For it were importable / thougħ they wold
But for that euery wygħt / in his degree
Shulde be constaunt / in aduersitee
As was Grisilde / therfore Petrak wrytetħ
This storie / whicħ witħ heye stile / he endytetħ
¶ For sithe a womman / was so pacient
Vn to a mortal man / wel more Corrected from: <nothing>wewe ougħt
Resceyuen al in gree / that god vs sent
For gret skyl is / he preeue that he wrougħt
But he ne temptetħ noman / that he bougħt
As seitħ Seynt Iame / if ȝe his pistel rede
He preeuetħ folk al day / it is no drede
¶ And suffretħ vs / as for oure exercise
Witħ sharpe skorges / and aduersitee
Ful oft to be bete / in sondry wyse
Nat for to knowe / oure wyl / for certis he
Er we were borñ / knew al oure freelete
And for oure best / is al his gouernaunce
Lat vs thanne lyue / in vertuous suffraunce
¶ But oo word lordynggis / herkenetħ or I go
It were ful hard / to fynde now a dayes
In al a Toun / Grisildis thre or twoo
For if þat they were put / to swicħ assayes
The gold of hem / hatħ now so bad a layes
Witħ bras / that thougħ the coyne be fair at eye
It wolde rather breste a two / than plye
¶ For whicħ here / for the wyues loue of Bathe
Whos lyf / and al hire secte / god mayntene
In heigħ maistrie / and elles were it skathe
I wol witħ lusty hert / fressħ and grene
Seyn ȝow a song / to glade ȝow I wene
And late vs stynt / of ernestful matere
Herkenetħ my song / that seitħ in this manere
GRisilde is ded / and eke hire pacience
And bothe at ones / I beried in Itaylle
For whicħ I crie / in open audience
No wedded man / so hardy be / to assaylle
His wyues pacience / in trost to fynde
Grisildis / for in certeyn he shal fayle
¶ O noble wyues
/ ful of heig
ħ prudence
¶ Auctor
Lat noon humilite / ȝoure tonges nayle
Ne late no Clerk / haue cause or diligence