The Manciple's Prologue
Folio 225r
1 of 4 folios
.I. haue qd he done ȝowe a trespas
In also muche as .I. maade ȝowe aferd
Whene .I. ȝow hente & brouht oute of þe ȝere
Bot sire .I. did it nouht in no wikked entente
Comeþ doune & .I. schal tel ȝowe whatt .I. mente
.I. schal seie soþe god helpe me so
Naye þan qd he .I. schrewe vs boþe tuo
And first .I. schrewe my self boþe blode & bones
If þou be gile me ofter þan ones
Thou schalt nomore wiþ þi flatery
Do me to singe & wynke wiþ myne eyȝe
For he þat winkeþ whan he schold see
As wysly god let him neuer þe
Nay qd þe fox god ȝeue him meschaunce
Þat is so vndiscrete of gouernaunce
Þat Iangeleþ whan he schold haue pees
Lo suche it is to bue recheles
And necligent and trusteþ on flaterye
Bot ȝe þat halde þis tale a folye
As of a fox . & . a kok . & of an hen
Takeþ þe moralite goode men
For seinte Poule seiþ aƚƚ þat wreten is
To oure doctrine it is wreten ywys
Takeþ þe fruyte & leteþ þe chaf be stiƚƚ
Now good god if þat it be þine wiƚƚ
As seiþe my lorde so makeþ vs al good meñ
And bringe vs al to his hihe blisse Amen .
Explicit fabula Capellani.
Incipit prologë . Mancipij
WEte ȝe nouht where þere stant a litel toune
Whiche þat cleped is Bobe vp & doune
Vnder þe blene in Cant erbury weye
Ther gan oure Oste for to Iape & pleye
And seid sires ywisse done is in þe myre
Is þere no man for peryer ne for hire
Þat wil awake oure felawe be hinde
A þef myht him lyhtly Robbe & bynde
Se howe he nappeþ for kokes bones
As he wald fal fro his hors att ones
Is þat þat a koce of Londoū wiþ meschaūce
Do him comford he knoweþ his penaūce
For he schaƚƚ tel a tale be my feye
Al þouhe it be not worþe abotel heye