Telleþ qd he ȝoure Meditacione
Bot hasteþ ȝowe þe sonne wil adoune
Beþ fructuous & þat in litel space
And to do wele god send ȝowe his grace
Ier .vI o.. State super vias . & videte & int errogate de semites antiquis
que sit via bona ; & ambulate in ea & īuenietes refrigerium aī~abz vrīs
Owre swete lord god of heuene . þt no man wil
perisshe ; but wil þat we cōme al to the know-
leche of him ; & to þe blisful lyf þt is pardura-
ble ;
amonesteþ vs be þe prophet . Iorom .
þt seiþe in this wise ;
Standeþ vpon þe
weyes & seeþe & axeþ of olde paþes . þat
is to seie of olde sentences ; whiche is
þe goode weie ;
& walkeþ in þat weie ; & ȝe schal finde refrisscheinge for-
ȝoure soules ; & c
¶ Many buen þe weyes speuele . þt leden folk to oure
lorde ihū criste & to þe regne of glorie .
¶ Of whiche weyes þere is
a ful noble weie and ful couenable weie ; whiche maye not faile
to man ne to wōman þat þoruhe sinne haþ mys gone fro þe riht weie
of Ierlm Celestial .
And þis weie is cleped Penitence ; of whiche men
scholde gladly herken & enquere wiþ al his he
to wit what is penance ;
& whan it is cleped penanc . & ī howe many manere bene þe accionce of
worchinge of penance ;
And howe mony spices þere biene of penycence
And whiche þinges aperpartenen ; & be houen to penitence ; & whiche þin-
ges distourben penitence
¶ Seint Ambrose seiþe þat penitence is
þe pleyneinge of man for þe gilt þat he haþ done ; and nomore to do
any þinge for whiche we ouhte to pleyne ;
And sōm doctor seiþe ; Penitence
is þe weymentynge of man þat sorweþ for his sinne ; an peyneþ him se\l/ft for
he haþe mys done ;
Penytence wiþ certeyne circūstance is verrey repen-
tance of men þat halt him self in sorwe ; And oþere peyne for his giltes
For he schal be verreye penitent ; he schaƚƚ first be weilen þe sinne þat he
haþe done ; And stedfastly purposen in his herte to haue schrift of mouþe
And to done satisfaccione ;
And neuer to do þinge . For whiche him ouht
to beweile or to complene & to continue in goode werkes ; or elles his re-
pentance mai nouht availe
¶ For as seint Isider seiþe . He is a Iap
& a gabbere & no verrei repentant ; þat eft sone doþ þinge For whiche
him ouht to repent
wepeinge ; & nouht for to stinte to do sinne Maie
not availe ;
Bot naþeles men schol hope ; þat at euery time þt man falleþ
beit neuere so of ; þt he may rise þorwhe penitence if he haue grace ¶ Bot
certeinly . it is grete doute
for as seiþe seinte gregori . vnneþes ariseþ
he oute of his sinne þat is charged wiþ þe charde of yuel vsage ;
& þer
fore repentant folke þat stinte for to sinne & for lete sinne er sinne for-