examynynge thaōne of ȝoure coūseillour / ȝe shuln considre manye
¶ Alderferst þu shalt cōsidre / þt in thilke þing / þt þu pur-
posest / & vp oon what thyng / þu wolt haue coūseil / þt verray
trouthe be seid & cōserued / this is to seyn ; telle trewely thy tale /
For he þt seitħ fals / may nat wel be coūseilled in þt cas / of whicħ
he lyetħ
¶ And after this / þu shalt considre þe thynges / þt acor-
den to that þu purposest for to do / be thyne coūseillours / if resoū
a corde þer to /
And eke if thy mygħt / may atteyne þer to / And if the
more part / & the bettre part of þine coūseillors / acorde þer to or no //
Thāne shalt þu cōsidre / what thyng shal folwe of þt coūseillyng /
as hate / pees / werre / gace / profyt / or damage / & manye oþere þinges
And in alle theise thynges / þu shalt chese the beste / And weyue alle
othere thynges
¶ Thāne shaltow cōsidere / of what roote is en-
gendred / þe matere of thy coūseil / & what fruyt it may cōceyue
& engendre
¶ Thow shalt eke cōsidre / alle theise causes / from whē-
nes they ben sprongen /
And whan ȝe haue examyned ȝoure coū-
seil / as I haue seid / & whicħ partie is the bettre / & more profitable
And han appreued it / by manye wyse folk & olde /
than shaltow
cōsidere / if þu maist parforme it / & maken of it a good ende /
certes / resoū wol nat / þt any man shulde bygynne a thyng /
but if he mygħte parforme it / as hī ougħte /
Ne no wigħt shulde
take vp oon hī so heuy charge / þt he mygħt nat beren it
¶ For þe
prouerbe seitħ ; he þt to muche embracetħ / distreynetħ litel
¶ And
Catoū seitħ ; Assay to do swicħ thyng / as þu hast power to don /
lest þt the charge / oppersse the so sore / þt the byhouetħ to weyue
thyng / þt þu hast bygonne /
And if so be / þt þu be in doute / wheither
þu maist parforme a thyng or noo / ches rather to suffre / þan bigȳne
¶ And Peter Alfonse seitħ ; If þu hast mygħt to doon a thyng /
of whicħ þu must repente / it is bettre / nay / than ȝa /
this is to
seyn ; þt the is bettre to holde thy tonge stille / than for to spe-
¶ Thāne moun ȝe vnderstonde / by strengere resons / þt if thow
hast power to parforme a werk / of whicħ þu shalt repente / thāne
is the bettre / þt þu suffre / þan bigynne /
wel seyn they / þt defen-
den euery wigħt / to assaye a thyng / of whicħ he is in doute /
wheiþer he may parforme it / or no
¶ And after / whan ȝe han exa-
myned ȝoure coūseil / as I haue seid biforñ / & knowen wel
ȝe moun parforme ȝoure empise / conferme it thāne sadly / til it be
at an ende
¶ Now is it resoū & tyme / þt I shewe ȝow / whāne
& wherfore / þt ȝe moun chaunge ȝoure coūseillors / wt oute ȝoure
¶ Sotħly a man may chaunge his prpos / & his coūseil
if the cause cesetħ / or whan a newe cas bitydetħ
for the lawe
seitħ / vp on thynges þt newely bityden / bihouetħ newe coūseil ;
And Seneca seitħ ; If thy coūseil is comen / to the Eris of þin
enemy / chaūge thy coūseil
¶ Thow maist also chaūge thy coūseil