The Physician's Tale
Folio 140r
4 of 7 folios
Bothe of hir beaute / and hire bounte wyde
That thurgħ that lond / they preised hir echone
That loued vertu / saue Envye allone
That sory is
/ of oother mennes wele
¶ Augustinus
And glad is of his sorwe / and his vnhele
The doctor / makitħ this discripcioun
This mayde vp on a day / went in the toun
Toward a temple / witħ hir moder deere
As is of ȝonge maydens / the manere
¶ Now was there thanne / a Iustice in that toun
That gouernour was / of that Regioun
And so bifel / this Iuge / his eyen caste
Vp on this mayde / auysynge hī ful faste
As she coom forby / there as this Iuge stod
A noon his herte chaunged / and his mood
So was he caugħt / witħ beaute of this mayde
And to hī self / ful pryuely he sayde
This mayde shal be myn / for any man
A noon the fend / in to his herte ran
And taugħte hi sodeynly / that he by sleigħte
The mayden to his purpos / wynne mygħte
For certes by no force / ne by no mede
Hī thougħte he was nat able / for to spede
For she was strong of frendes / and eke she
Confermed was / in swicħ souerayn bounte
That wel he wiste / he mygħt hir neuere wynne
As for to make hir / witħ hir body synne
For whicħ / by greet deliberacioun
He sent after a cherl / was in the toun
Whicħ that he knew / for subtil and for bold
This Iuge vn to this cherl / his tale hatħ told
In secree wyse / and maad hī to ensure
He shulde telle it / to no creature
And if he dide / he shulde leese his hed
Whan that assented was / this cursed reed
Glad was this Iuge / and maked hī gret chere
And ȝaf hī ȝiftes / perciouse and deere
¶ Whan shapen was / al here conspiracye
Fro poynt to poynt / how that his lecherye
Parfourmed shulde ben / ful subtilly
As ȝe shuln heere it / after openly
¶ Hom gotħ the cherl / that higħt Claudyus
This fals Iuge / that higħt Apius
So was his name / for this is no fable