The Nun's Priest's Tale
Folio 193r
12 of 12 folios
But I ne kan nat / bulte it to the bren
As can the holy Doctour / Augustyn
Or Boyce / or the Bysshope Bradwardyn
Wheither þt goddis worthy / fore wetyng
Streynetħ me needly / for to doon a thyng
Needly / clepe I / symple necessitee
Or ellis if free chois / be grauntid me
To doo þt same thyng / or do it nougħt
Thougħ god forn woot it / or þt it was wrougħt
Or if his wityng / streynetħ neuere a del
But by necessite / condicionel
I wole nat han to done / of swicħ matere
My tale is of the Cok / as ȝe may heere
That took his coūseil / of his wyf / wt sorwe
To walken in the ȝerd / vp oon þt morwe
That he had mette þt dreem / þt I ȝow tolde
Wōmens coūseils / ben ful often colde
Wōmannes counseil / brougħt vs first to woo
And made Adam / fro paradys to goo
There as he was ful merie / & wel at ese
But for I not to whom / it mygħt displese
If I counseil of wōmen / wolde blame
Passe ouer / for I seide it in my game
Rede auctoures / ther they trete of swicħ matere
And what they seyn of wōmen / ȝe moun heere
Theise ben the Cokkes wordes / & nat myne
I kan noon harm / on no wōman deuyne
¶ Faire in the sond / to bathe myrily
Lith Pertelote / and hire sustres by
A geyn the Sonne / and Chauntecler so free
Sang meriere / than the Mermayde in the See
For Phisiologus / seitħ sikerly
How þt they syngen wel / and merily
¶ And so bifel / as þt he cast his eye
Among the wortes / on a boterflye
He was war of this fox/ þt lay ful lowe
No thyng / ne liste ħī thāne / for to crowe
But cried a noon / kok / Cok / & vp he stirte
As Corrected from: a<nothing> a man þt was affraied / in his herte
For naturely / a beest desiretħ flee
From his contarie / if þt he may it se
Thougħ he neuere erst / had seen it / wt his eye
This Chauntecleer / whan he gan ħī espye