The Monk's Tale
Folio 182r
17 of 18 folios
Thanne wold she suffre hī / done his fantasie
Eft sone / and nat but ones / out of drede
¶ And if she were wt childe / at thilke kast
Nomore shulde he pleyen / thilke game
Til fully fourty dayes / weren past
Thāne wolde she ones suffre hī / do the same
Al were this Onedake / wylde or tame
He gat nomore of hire / for thus she seide
It was to wyues / leccherie and shame
In other cas / if that men wt hē pleide
¶ Two sones / by this Onedak / had she
The whicħ she kept in vertu / and lettrure
But now / vn to oure tale / turne we
I sey / so worshipful a creature
And wys ther wt / & large witħ mesure
So penyble in the werre / & curteis eke
Ne more labour mygħt / in werre endure
Was none / thougħ al this world mē shulde seke
¶ Hire riche a ray / ne mygħt nat be tolde
As wel in vessel / as in hire clothynge
She was al clad / in perry / and in golde
And eke she left nougħt / for non huntynge
To haue of sondry tonges / ful knowynge
Whan þt she leiser hadde / & for to entende
To lerne bookes / was al hire likynge
How she in vertu / mygħt hire lyf despende
¶ And shortly / of this storie / for to trete
So dougħty was hire housbond / & eke she
That they cōquered / many regnes grete
In the orient / wt many a fair Citee
Appertenaūt / vn to the Magestee
Of Rome / & wt strong hond / held hē ful faste
Ne neuere mygħt here foomen / don hē flee
Ay / whil that Onedakes dayes / laste
¶ Here batailles / who so list hē for to rede
Ageyn Sapor the kyng / & othere moo
And how þt al this processe / fel in dede
Why she cōquered / & what title þer to
And after of hire myschef / & hire woo
How þt she was byseged / and I take
Lat hī / vn to my Maister / Petrak go
That wryt I now / of this / I vndertake