The Miller's Tale
Folio 40r
1 of 15 folios
¶ Heere bygynneth the Millers tale ; The incipit is placed in the header.ODR
Whilom there was dwellyng / in Oxenford
A riche gnof / that gestes held to bord
And of his craft / he was a Carpentere
W hī þere was dwellyng / a poore scolere
Had lerned art / but al his fantasye
Was turned / for to lerne / Astrologye
And koude a serteyn / of conclusions
To demen / by interrogacions
If þt men asked hī / in certeyn houres
What þt men shuld haue / drought or eƚƚ shoures
Or if men asked hī / what shulde by falle
Of euery thyng / I may nat rekken hem alle
¶ This Clerk was cleped / hende Nicholas
Of derne loue he coude / and of solas
And ther to he was sly / and ful preue
And like a Maide / meke for to se
A Chaumbre had he / in that hostelrye
A lone / with outen ony companye
Ful fetisly digħt / with herbes swote
Corrected from: xndAndndhe h
ī self
/ as swete as is the rote
And : The initial A is probably a correction from another letter.ODR
Of licoris / or ony Setuale
His Almageste / and bokes grete and smale
His Astralabie / longyng for his art
His Augryme stones / loyn faire a pert
On shelues / kouched / at his beddis hede
His presse couered / with a faldyng rede
And al a boue / there lay a gay Sautrye
On whiche he mad / on nygħtis melodye
So swetely / þat al the chaumber rong
And Angelus ad virginem / he song
And after that / he song the kynges note
Ful often blissed / was his mery throte
And thus this swete Clerk / his tyme spent
After his frendis fyndyng / and his rent
¶ This Carpenter had wedded / newe a wyf
Whicħ þat he loued / more than his lyf
Of xviij ȝere / she was of age
Ielous he was / & held hire narwe in kage
For she was wylde / & ȝong / and he was old
And demed hī self / to ben like a Cokewold
He knew nat Catou / for his wyt was rude
That bad men shulde wedde / here simulitude
Men shulde wedden / after here astate
For ȝouthe and age / is often at debate