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1. The General Prologue
2. The Knight's Tale
3. The Miller's Prologue
4. The Miller's Tale
5. The Reeve's Prologue
6. The Reeve's Tale
7. The Cook's Prologue
8. The Cook's Tale
9. Introduction to the Man of Law's Tale
10. The Man of Law's Tale
11. The Wife of Bath's Prologue
12. The Wife of Bath's Tale
13. The Friar's Prologue
14. The Friar's Tale
15. The Summoner's Prologue
16. The Summoner's Tale
17. The Clerk's Tale
18. Lenvoye de Chaucer
19. Words of the Host
20. The Merchant's Prologue
21. The Merchant's Tale
22. Epilogue to the Merchant's Tale
23. The Squire's Tale
24. The Franklin's Tale
25. The Physician's Tale
26. Introduction to the Pardoner's Tale
27. The Pardoner's Prologue & Tale
28. The Shipman's Tale
29. The Prioress' Tale
30. The Tale of Sir Thopas
31. Here the Host 'stynteth' Chaucer's Tale of Sir Thopas
32. The Tale of Melibeus
33. The Monk's Prologue
34. The Monk's Tale
35. The Nun's Priest's Prologue
36. The Nun's Priest's Tale
37. Epilogue to the Nun's Priest's Tale
38. The Second Nun's Tale
39. The Canon's Yeoman's Prologue
40. The Canon's Yeoman's Tale
Here the Host 'stynteth' Chaucer's Tale of Sir Thopas Folio 160r 1 of 2 folios
His brydel as the Sonne shon
Or as the Mone ligħ t
His spere was of fyn Cypres
That bodetħ werre & no thȳ g pes
The hed ful sharp I go unde
His steede was al appel gray
It gotħ an aumble in the wey
Ful softly & rounde
In londe
Loo lordes myn heere is a fyt
If ȝe wyln any more of it
To telle it I wol fonde
Bothe knygħ t and lady free
And herkenetħ to my spelle
Of bataille and of cheualry
And of ladies loue drury
A noon I wol ȝow telle
Men speken of romaunces of pi s
Of horñ Child and of Ypotis
Of Beus and Sir Guy
Of Sire lybeus and pleyn damour
But Sire Thopas he beretħ the flour
Of real Chyualrie
His good steede / al he bystrod
And fortħ vp on his weye he Corrected from: woldrod
As sparcle out of the brond
Vp on his creste he bar a Tour
God shilde his cors fro shonde
He nolde slepen in noon hous
But lyggen in his hode
His brigħ t helm was his wonger
And by hī baitetħ his destrer
Of Erbes fyne & goode
Hi self drank water of the welle
So worthy vnder wede ;
Til on a day ;
No indication that this could be another textual part. The links is written continuosly and with the same ink as TT.ODR
Quod oure hoost / for thow makest me
So wery / of thyn verray lewednesse
That also wysly / god my soule blisse
Myne Eres aken / of thy drasty speche
Now swicħ a ryme / the deuele I be teche
This may wel be ryme dogereƚƚ / quod he
More of my tale / than another man
Syn that it is / the best ryme I can
Thy drasty rymyng / is nat wortħ a tord
Thow doost nat elles / but despendest tyme
Sire at o word / thow shalt no lengere ryme
Lat se / wher thow kanst tellen ougħ t in geste
Or tellen in prose / somwhat atte leste
In whicħ there be som myrthe / or som docti ne