The General Prologue
Folio 12v
8 of 9 folios
Here in this place / sittynge by this post
Whan þt we comen a geyn / fro Caunterbury
And for to make ȝow / the more mery
I wyl my self goodly / with yow ryde
Rigħt at myn owen cost / and be ȝoure guyde
And who so wyl / my Iuggement with sey
Shal paie al that we spende / by the wey
And if ȝe wouchesaue / þat it be so
Telle me a non / wt oute wordes mo
And I wyl erly / shape me therfore
This þingg was gaunted / and oure othes swore
With ful glad hert / and prayed hī also
That he wold vouchesaue / so to do
And that he wolde be / oure gouernour
And of oure tales / Iugge / and reportour
And sette a soper / at a certein prise
And we wyl reuled be / at his deuyse
In heygh & lowe / and thus by one assent
We be acorded / to his Iuggement
And ther vp on / the wyn was fet a noñ
We dronkyn & to rest / wenten ichoñ
With outen eny lengere / tariyng
¶ A morwe / whan þe day gan spryng
Vp ros oure Ost / and was oure aller Cok
And gadered vs to gedir / on a flok
And forth we redyn / a litel pas
Vn to the wateryng / of Seynt Thomas
And there oure Ost / bygan his hors arest
And seide lordes / herkeneth if ȝow list
Ȝe wete oure forward / if ȝe it record
If euesong / and morwesong accord
Late se now / who shal telle þe first tale
As euere mote I drynke / wyn or ale
Who so be rebel / to my Iuggement
Shal paie for al þt is / by the weye I spent
Now draweth cutte / er we ferthere twynne
For he þt hath the shortest / shal begynne
¶ Sire knygħt qd he / my maister & my lord
Now draweth Cutte / for this is myn accord
Cometh nere quod he / my lady Prioresse
And ȝe sire clerk / late be ȝoure shamefastnesse