The Clerk's Tale
Folio 92v
2 of 27 folios
Sire Clerk of Oxenford / oure host sayde
Ȝe ride as stille and coy / as dootħ a mayde
Were newe spoused / syttynge at the bord
This day ne herd I / of ȝoure tonge a word
I trowe ȝe studye / a bouten som Sophyme
But Salamon seitħ / þat euery thyng hatħ tyme
For goddis sake / as betħ of betre cheere
It is no tyme / for to studyen heere
Telle vs som mery tale / be ȝoure feye
For what man / that is entred / in a pleye
He nedes must / vn to the pley assent
But preechetħ nat / as freres don in lent
To make vs / for oure olde synnes wepe
Ne that thy tale / make vs nat to slepe
Telle vs sum Corrected from: <nothing>merimeri thyng / of auentures
Ȝoure termes / ȝoure coloures / and figures
Kepe hem in stoor / til so be / Corrected from: <nothing>þtþt ȝe endite
Heye stile / as whan þt men / to kynges wryte
Spekitħ so pleyn / at this tyme / . we ȝow preye
That we moun vnderstonde / what that ȝe seye
¶ This worthy Clerk / benygnely answered
Host qd he / I am vnder ȝoure ȝerde
Ȝe han of vs / as now / the gouernaunce
And therfore wold I do ȝow / obeisaunce
As fer as resoū axetħ / hardily
I wold ȝow telle a tale / whicħ that I
Lerned at Padowe / of a worthy Clerk
As proued be his wordes / and his werk
He is now deed / and nayled in his cheste
I preye to god / so ȝeue his soule reste
Fraunceys Petrak / the laureat poete
Hygħt this Clerk / whos Retoryk swete
Enlumyned al Itaille / of Poetrye
As lynyan dide / of Philosophye
Or lawe / or other art particuler
But detħ that wol nat / suffren vs / dwellen heer
But as it were / a twynkelynge of an eye
Hem bothe hatħ slayn / and alle shuln we deye
But fortħ to tellen / of this worthy man
That taugħt me this tale / as I began
I seye / that first / he witħ Corrected from: hisheyehis eye stile enditetħ
Or he the Corrected from: xxxdety / of his tale wrytetħ
A probleme / in the whiche / descryuetħ he
Pomond and of Saluces / the contree
And spekitħ of Appenym / the hilles heye
That ben the boundes / of westlumbardye
And of Mount vesulus / in speciale
Where as the Poo / out of a welle smalle