The Shipman's Tale
Folio 186r
12 of 12 folios
Ȝe schollen my . Ioly body haue to wedde
Be godde .I. wil nouht paie ȝowe bot in bedde
For ȝeue it me myne owen spouse dere
Turneþe hiderwarde & makeþ better chiere
This Marchant seyhe þer was no better remedye
And for to chide it nere bot folye
Seþen þat þe þinge maie nouht amended be
Nowe wif he seide & .I. for ȝeue it þe
Bot be þi life nere be no more so large
Kepe bette my goode þis ȝeue .I. þe in charge
Thus endeþ nowe my tale & god vs sende
Toyleynge ynouhe vnto oure lyues ende
Incipit prologus Priorisse
Wele saide be corpus dampnus seide oure Oste
Nowe longe mot þou seile be þis coste
Sire gentil Maister gentil marinere
God ȝeue þe monke a .M. last quade ȝere
A ha felaus beþe war of suche a Iape
The monke put in þe mannes hode an ape
And in his wives eke be seint Austine
Draueþ no monkes more vn to ȝoure inne
Bot nowe passe ouere & late vs seke a boute
Who schal nowe telle first of al þis route
Anoþer tale & wiþ þat worde he seide
As curteysly as it hadde bne amaide
My lady Prioresse be ȝoure leue
So þat .I. wist .I. scholde ȝow not greue
.I. wolde deme þat ȝe tell scholde
A tale next if so were þat ȝe wolde
Now wil ȝe vouche saue my lady dere
Gladly qd sche & seide in þis manere