The Shipman's Tale
Folio 181r
2 of 12 folios
A Marchant whilom dwelled att sein Denys
That riche was for whiche men helde him wys .
A wif he hadde of excellent beaute
And compinable & reuerent was sche
Whiche is a þinge þat causeþ more dispence
Then worþe is al þe chier & reuerence .
That men haue done att festes or at Daunces
Suche Salutacions & cōntenaunces
Passeþ as doþe þere schadowe on a waƚƚ
Bot woo is him þat paie most for aƚƚ
The Cely husbonde algates he must paye
He moste vs cloþe & vs araie
Al for his owen woschip richelye
In whiche araie we dauncen Iolylye
And if þat he nouht maie peraduenture
Or elles luste no suche to endure
Bot þenkeþ it is waste & yloste
Þat mot anoþere payen for owre coste
Or lene vs golde & þat is perilous
This noble marchant helde a noble hous
For whiche he had aldaye grete repaire
For his largenesse & for his wif was faire
That wonder is ; bot herkeneþ to my tale
Amonges al his gestes grete & smale
Ther was a monke a faire man & a bolde
.I. trowe a þerte wynter he was of olde
That euere in one was draweinge to þe place
This ȝonge monke þat was so faire of face
Aqweynted was so wiþ þis goodman
Seþen þatt her first knowleche began
That in his hous as famylier was he
As it is possible any frende to be
And for als muchel as þe good manne .
Ande eke þis monke of whiche þat .I. be ganne .
Were boþe tuo borne in o vilage
Þe monke him clayme as for cosinage
And he aȝeine he seiþ nouht ones naye
Bot was as glad þere of as foule of daye
For to his herte it was a grete plesaūce
Thus bene þei knytt wiþ eterne alliaunce
And ilke of hem gan oþer to assure
Of broþerhed whiles þat þeire lyue maie endure .