The Miller's Tale
Folio 40r
2 of 17 folios
A chambre had he in þat hostellerie
Alone wiþ oute any compaignie
Ful fetisly diht wiþ herbes swote
And he him selfe as swete as is þe rote
Of lycoris or of any settewale
His almagiste and bokes grete & smale
His Astrelabre longeinge to his arte
His augrim stones leyen faire a parte
On schelues chowched as his beddes hede
His prisse . ycouerid with a foldeynge rede
And al aboue þere leie a gaie sawtrie
On whiche he made a nyht melodie
So swetely þat al þe chambre ronge
And Angelus ad virginē he songe
And after he songe þe kinges note
Ful oft blissed was his mery þrote
And þus þe swete clerke his time spente
Affeter his frendes findeynge & his rente
This Carpenter had wedded newe a wif
Whiche þat he loued more þan his lif
Of .xviij. ȝere sche was of age
Ielous he was & helde hir narwe in cage
For sche was wilde & ȝonge & he was holde
And demed him self bene like a cokewolde
He knewe nouȝt Catou for his witte was rude
That bad men wedde his similitude
Men scholde wedde after hire astate
For ȝouþe & elde is often att debate
Bot seþen þat he was fallen in þe snare
He moste endure as oþere folke his kare
Faire was þis ȝonge wif & þer to wiþ al
As any wesel hir bodi gente & smal
A seinte sche wered barred al of silke
A barmecloþe as white as any morwes mylke
Vppon hire lendes fol of mony a gore
White was hir smoke & broude al before
And eke be hinde on hire colere aboute
Of coleblak silke wt in & eke wt .oute.
The tapes of hir white volupere
Were of þe same sute of hire colere
Hire felet broode of silke & sitt ful hihe
And sekurly sche had a lykuruse eye
Ful smaƚƚ ypulled was hir browes two .
And þo were bente . & blake as any . slo .