The Squire's Tale
Folio 137v
18 of 18 folios
Appollo whirleth vp / his Char so hye
Til that / the god Mercuries hous the slye
¶ The prologe / of the Marchaūtes tale ~
IN feith Squyer / thow hast thee wel yquyt
And gentilly / I preise wel thy wit
Quod the Marchant considerynge thy youthe
So feelyngly thow spekest sire I allow the
As to my doom / ther is noon þt is heere
Of eloquence / þt shal be thy peere
If þt thow lyue / god yeue thee good chaunce
And in vertu / sende thee continuaunce
For of thy speche / I haue gret deyntee
I haue a sone / and by the Trinitee
I hadde leuere / than .xxti. pound worth lond
Thogh it right now . / were fallen in myn hond
He were a man / of swich discrecioū
As þt ye ben / fy on possessioū
But if a man / be vertuous wt al
I haue my sone snybbed / and yit shal
For he to vertu / lusteth nat entende
But for to pleye at dees / and to despende
And lese al that he hath / is his vsage
And he hath leuere / talken wt a page
Than to cōmune / with any gentil wight
Wher he myghte lerne / gentillesse aright
¶ Straw for youre gentillesse / quod oure hoost
What Marchaūt / pardee sire wel thow woost
That ech of yow / moot tellen atte leeste
A tale / or two / or breken his biheste
¶ That knowe I wel sire / quod the Marchant certeyn
I prey yow / haueth me nat in desdeyn
Thogh to this man / I speke a word or two
¶ Telle on thy tale with outen wordes mo
¶ Gladly sire hoost quod he / I wol obeye
Vn to youre wyl / now herkneth what I seye
I wole yow nat contarien in no wise
As fer / as þt my wittes wole suffise
I prey to god / that it may plesen yow
Thanne woot I wel / that it is good ynow