The Manciple's Tale
Folio 111v
7 of 7 folios
xx xone ful ofte / for to muche speche
xath many a man ben spilt as clerkes teche
But for litel speche auysely
Is no man shent to speke generally
My sone / thy tonge sholdestow restreyne
At alle tymes / but whan thow doost thy peyne
To speke of god / in honour and prayere
The firste vertu sone / if thow wolt leere
Is to restreyne / and kepe wel thy tonge
Thus lernen children / whan þt they ben yonge
My sone / of muchel spekyng yuele auysed
Ther lasse spekyng hadde ynow suffised
Comth muchel harm / thus was me told & taught
In muchel speche / synne wanteth naught
Wostow wher of a rakel tonge serueth
Right as a swerd / forkitteth and forkerueth
An arm atwo / my deere sone right so
A tonge / kitteth frendship al atwo
A Ianglere is to god abhomynable
Rede Salomon / so wys and honurable
Rede Dauid in his psalmes / rede Senekke .
My sone / spek noght but wt thyn hed thow bekke
Dissimule as thow were deef if þt thow heere
A Ianglere speke / of perilous matere
¶ The flemyng seith and lerne it if thee leste
That litel Ianglyng causeth muchel reste
My sone / if thow no wikked word hast seyd
Thee thar nat drede / for to be biwreyd
But he þt hath mysseyd / I dar wel sayn
He may by no wey / clepe his word agayn
Thyng that is sayd / is seyd / and forth it gooth
Though hym repente / or be hym leef or looth
He is his thral / to whom þt he hath sayd
A tale / of which he is now yuele apayd
My sone be war / and be noon Auctour newe
Of tidynges wher they ben false or trewe
Wher so thow come / amonges heye or lowe
Kepe wel thy tonge / and thynk vp on the Crowe
¶ Here is ended / the Manciples tale / of the Crowe ~