The General Prologue
Folio 10r
1 of 22 folios
Ne oynement. that wolde clense and byte
That hym myghte helpen / of his whelkes whyte
Nor of the knobbes / sittynge on his chekes
Wel loued he garlek oynons and eek lekes
And for to drynke strong wyn / reed as blood
Thanne wolde he speke / and crye as he were wood
A fewe t ermes hadde he / two / or thre
That he hadde lerned / out of som decree
No wonder is / he herde it al the day
And eek ye knowe wel / how þt a Iay
Kan clepen watte as wel as kan the Pope
But who so koude / in oother thyng hym grope
Thanne hadde he spent al his philosophie
Ay Questio quid iuris / wolde he crye
¶ He was a gentil harlot and a kynde
A bettre felawe / sholde men noght fynde
He wolde suffre / for a quart of wyn
A good felawe / to haue his concubyn
A twelf monthe / and excusen hym at the fulle
Ful pryuely / a fynch eek koude he pulle
And if he foond owher / a good felawe
He wolde techen hym / to haue noon awe
In swich caas / of the Ercedeknes curs
But if a mannes soule / were in his purs
For in his purs / he sholde ypunysshed be
Purs is the Ercedeknes helle / seyde he
¶ But wel I woot / he lyed right in dede
Of cursyng oghte ech gilty man drede
For curs wol sle / right as assoillyng sauyth
And also / war hym of a Significauit
¶ In daunger hadde he / at his owene gyse
The yonge gerles / of the diocise
And knew hir conseil / and was al hir reed
A gerland / hadde he set vp on his heed
As greet. as it were / for an Ale stake
A bokeler / hadde he maad hym of a cake
¶ With hym ther rood / a gentil Pardoner
Of Rouncyual / his freend / and his comper
That streight was comen / fro the Court of Rome
Ful loude he soong com hyder loue to me