The Clerk's Tale
Folio 190v
35 of 35 folios
For which heere / for the wyues loue of Bathe
Whos lyf / and al hir secte / god mayntene
In heigh maistrie / or ellis were it scathe
I wol with lusty herte / fressħ and grene
Seye yow a song to glade yow I wene
And lat vs stynte / of ernestful matere
Herkneth my song that seith in this manere
¶ Here is ended the tale / of the clerk of Oxenford
GRisilde is deed / and eek hir pacience
And bothe . atones / buryed in Ytaille
For which I crye / in open audience
No wedded man / so hardy be tassaille
His wyues pacience / in trust to fynde
Grisildis / for in certein he shal faille
¶ O noble wyues / ful of heigh prudence
Lat noon humilitee / youre tonge nayle
Ne lat no clerk / haue cause or diligence
To write of yow / a storie of swich meruaile
As of Grisildis / pacient and kynde
Lest Chichyuache / yow swelwe in hir entrayle
¶ Folweth Ekko / that holdeth no silence
But euere answereth / at the countretaile
Beth nat bidaffed / for youre Innocence
But sharply / tak on yow the gouernaile
Empernteth wel / this lessoū in your mynde
For cōmune profit sith it may auaile