The Clerk's Tale
Folio 174r
2 of 35 folios
But as it were / a twynklyng of an eye
Hem bothe hath slayn / and alle shul we dye
¶ But forth to tellen / of this worthy man
That taughte me this tale / as I bigan
I seye þt first with heigh stile he enditeth
Er he / the body of his tale writeth
A prohemie / in which discryueth he
Pemond / and of Saluces the contree
And speketh of Appenyn / the hilles hye
That been the boundes / of westlumbardye
And / of Mount Vesulus / in special
Wher as the Poo / out of a welle smal
Taketh his firste spryngyng / and his cours
That Estward / ay encresseth in his cours
To Emeleward / to Ferare / and Venyse
The which / a long thyng were to deuyse
And trewely / as to my Iuggement
Me thynketh it a thyng inpertinent
Saue þt he wole / convoien his matere
But this his tale / which þt ye shal heere
¶ Here bigynneth the tale ~
Ther is / at the west syde of Ytaille
Doun at the roote / of vesulus the colde
A lusty playne / habundant of vitaille
Wher many a tour and town / thow mayst biholde
That founded were / in tyme of fadres olde
And many another / delitable sighte
And Saluces / this noble contree highte
¶ A Markys whilom / lord was of that lond
As were / his worthy eldres hym bifore
And obeysant ay redy to his hond
Were alle his liges / bothe lasse and moore
Thus in delit he lyueth / and hath doon yoore
Biloued and drad / thurgh fauour of Fortune
Bothe of his lordes / and of his cōmune