The Man of Law's Tale
Folio 86r
29 of 29 folios
For deth þat takþ of heigħ & low his rent
Whan passed was a ȝeere as I gesse /
Out of þis worlde / kyng alla he hent
For whom Custauns . haþ ful gret heuynesse /
Now let vs pray . þat god his soule blesse /
And dame Custaunce fynally to say
Toward þe toun of Rome goþ hir way
To Rome is come . þis nobil creature
And fynt hir freendes . þer boþe hool & sound
Now is sche skaped al hir auenture
And whanne sche hir fader had I founde
Doun on hir knees falleþ sche to grounde
Wepyng for tendirnes in herte blithe
Sche heried god an hundred þousand sithe
In vertu and in holy almesdede
They lyuen aƚƚ . and neuer a sondre wende
Til deþ departe hem þis lyf þey lede
And far now wel my tale is at an ende
Now ihū crist þat of his might may sende /
Ioy after wo gouerne vs in his grace ./
And keep ous alle . þat ben in þis place /
Our Ost vppon his styrops stood anoon
And seyde good mē herkneth euerychoon
This was a þrifty tale for þe noones
Sir parissh prest qd he for goddes boones
Tel out a tale / as was þy forward ȝore
I see wel þat ȝe lered men in lore
Can moche good by goddes dignete
The persoū him answerde bendicite
What eyleþ þe man so synfully to swere
Our Ost answerd . O Iankyn be ȝe þere
I smel a loller in þe wynd qd he
Now good mē qd our Oste / herkneþ me
For we schul haue a predicacioū
This loller wolde prechen vs heer som what /
Nay / by my fader soule þat schal he nat
Sayde the sompnour he schal heer nauȝt preche