Introduction to the Man of Law's Tale
Folio 72r
3 of 3 folios
But certeynly no worde writeþ he
Of þilke wikked ensample of Canace
That loued hir owen broþer synfully
On whiche corsed stories I seye fy
Or elles of Tyro appoloneus
How þat þe cursed kyng Anteochus
Byreft his doughter of hir maydenhede
That is so horrible a tale as man may reede
Whan he hir þrew vpon þe pament
And þerfore he of ful auysement
Wolde neuer wryte in non of his sermoūs
Of such vnkynde abhominacioūs
Ne I wol non reherse if þat I may
But of my tale how schal I do þis day
Me were loth to be lykned douteles /
To muses þat men clepen Pyerides
Methamorphoseos wot what I mene
But naþeles I recche nat a bene
They I come after him with hawe bake /
I speke in prose and let him rymes make
And wiþ þat word he wiþ a . sobre cheere
Bygan his tale as ȝe schal aft er heere
¶ Explic prologĂ« incipit fabula
O hateful harm condicioū of pouert
Wiþ þurst wiþ cold wiþ honger so confoundyd
To asken help it schameþ in þin hert
If þou non aske wiþ neede so art þou woundyd
That verray neede vnwrappeþ al þy woūdes hyd
Maugre þyn heed þou most for Indigence
Or stele or begge or borwe þy dispence
Thow blamest crist and seyst ful bitterly
He mys departeþ riches temporal
And þyn neyhebour þou wytes synfully
And seyst þou hast to litel and he haþ al
Parfay seystow som tyme he rekne schal
Whan þat his tayl schal brennen in þe gleede
For he nougħt helpeth þe needful in his neede
HErkneþ what is þe sentens of þe wyse
Bet is to dye þan haue indigence